Turn links & files into a flow

Plan call

Stand out from the rest



How will you Stroll?

A community thats cares ❤️

“Stroll helped me control the narrative even when I was not in the room while fund raising"

CEO @ Shiny

"Stroll allows us to look professional. We get compliments every time we send our Stroll“

Sales Operation Manager @ Tilt

“Stroll is much better than a static PDF. I can share all my cloud docs in one place.“  

innovation Manager @ Basis Board

“Stroll was so simple to use. I am able to share my Strolls to clients to build trust before even meeting with them in person.“

Product Designer @ KTNT Design

Made to be simple & effective

Track engagement 📊

Real-time updates
Get notified when someone views
Learn what content is performing best
Use data to make decisions

No code 👌️

Takes 5-10 minutes to create
Drag and drop to add and rearrange
Build with editor tools or with templates
“How to” guide for each editor tool

Embed Anything 🔗

Over 36+ Integrations
Save embeds to your Content Bank
All documents stay up to date
Collaborate in real-time or async

Secure sharing 🔐

Share customized unique link
Control privacy by limiting viewers
Personalized welcome room
Create an exclusive experience

Ready to start?


What is a Stroll?
Stroll is a platform to share all your content in once place. Think of it as a link tree where all your links are embedded into one easy to share document. You'll wonder why there was nothing like this in your life before.
start free
What problem does Stroll solve?
+ Strolls help everyone by eliminating multiple attachments in emails
+ Strolls get you out of the ghost-zone: wondering if anyone even looked at the attachments you sent
+ Strolls avoid the work of constantly updating emails with revised and out-of-date files
+ All your links can live in one place
+ All your cloud documents stay up-to-date
+ Embedding documents that enable collaboration allow aysnc workflows
+ With our simple analytics, you can gage what content provides the most or least engagement
+ We are constantly discovering new ways Stroll solves problems with communication
+ We are proud to create something that allows our users to be flexible to solve their own problems!
Who uses Stroll?
When we first created Stroll, we had sales people in mind: sales demo, followup, onboarding, and walkthroughs. The more everyone shared our product, the more we found that people were using it for their own personal needs.

A large number of people who use our product are actually startup founders looking for an interactive and professional way to pitch to their investors.

HR uses it to virtually onboard new employees by sharing all the necessary documents. They are able to keep track via the dashboard analytics.

Stroll accidentally became a multi-use tool for anyone. With our easy to use editor we found that people prefer to use our product to share information and is easier to use than a website builder, microsite builder, word doc, powerpoint, and more!

We are also mobile friendly so anyone can access your Strolls on the go.
Who can see my Strolls?
We take privacy and protecting your information seriously. Each stroll has a unique link that you can share with others. There are permission settings where you can only allow certain people to view strolls via their email. All viewers have to input their email to view the Strolls so user data can be recorded.
How much does Stroll cost?
It's FREE to start. We  have a option to create a team workspace. For more info, check out the pricing!
Still curious? Contact us or Request a Demo.